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PRO354817 2020-NEW AP3548-17 Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S

PRO354817 2020-NEW AP3548-17 Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S

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  • 수량
  • 판매금액 99,000원


차량및 인형은 미포함입니다


This is a Pre-Cut Brute Body for Kraton™ 8S. Kraton™ 8S fans rejoice! Pro-Line is proud to introduce the Pre-Cut Brute clear body pecifically for your Kraton™ 8S. The Brute is Pro-Line's take on a modern truck and features a bold grill with eye-pleasing body lines sure to turn heads at your local bash spot. This body has been specifically designed to fit the unique shape of the Kraton™ 8S while allowing you to add a custom paint job to your truck! Window masks, detailed decal sheet and paint then peel over-spray film are all included. Get your Pre-Cut Brute body for Kraton™ 8S now!

Don't forget to submit your finished Pro-Line body to Reader's Rides when you are done. Who knows, you could get your ride posted on the blog and you could even win a prize!

©2020 Pro-Line Racing. ARRMA® and Kraton™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby®, LLC. All other trademarks, service marks and logos are property of their respective owners.
Please note: All bodies are sold in crystal clear polycarbonate and are painted for advertising purposes only.
Click Here for painting tips


3548-17 | Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S 







•Paintable Pre-Cut Body for Kraton™ 8S!
•Brute Styling is Tough and Modern
•Fits Unique Shape of Kraton™ 8S Chassis
•Made with Crystal Clear Polycarbonate
•Four steps to Race Ready:
1.) Clean Body and apply included window mask
2.) Paint then peel the over-spray film off
3.) Sticker your body (decal sheet included)
4.) Mount your new body onto your truck
• Made in the USA, since 1982 - Read about Pro-Line Racing's History




What's Included 

•Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S (1 pc)
•Window Masks
•Detailed Decal Sheets



•Kraton™ 8S


Length: 25.5" (647mm)
Width at doors: 9.4" (239mm)
Width at fenders: 10.6" (269mm)
Height: 7.8" (198mm)
Wheelbase: 19.3" (490mm)



- 배송비 : 기본배송료는 3,000원 입니다. (도서,산간,오지 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다)  70,000원 이상 구매시 무료배송입니다.

- 본 상품의 평균 배송일은 1~3일입니다.(결제 확인 후) [배송예정일은 주문시점(주문순서)에 따른 유동성이 발생하므로 평균 배송일과는 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다.]

 (단, 연휴 및 공휴일 제외 기준이며 택배사 사정에 따라 지연될 수 있는점 양해부탁드립니다.)

교환 및 반품안내

- 상품수령 후 7일 이내에 반품 및 A/S가 가능하며 상품 택(tag)제거 또는 개봉으로 상품 가치 훼손 시에는 상품수령 후 7일 이내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.

 (상품의 하자 및 주문내역과 다른상품이 배송된경우 교환 및 반품 배송요금은 판매자가 부담합니다)

- 고객의 단순 변심으로 인한 반품 및 교환시에는 구매자에게 배송료가 청구됩니다.

 (구매시 무료배송이었던 경우는 왕복 택배비가 부과됩니다)

- 일부 상품은 신모델 출시, 부품가격 변동 등 제조사 사정으로 가격이 변동될 수 있습니다.





- 상품 청약철회 가능기간은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내 입니다.


- 소비자분쟁해결 기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 피해를 보상받을 수 있습니다.

- A/S는 판매자에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.

이미지 확대보기

PRO354817 2020-NEW AP3548-17 Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S

PRO354817 2020-NEW AP3548-17 Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S
PRO354817 2020-NEW AP3548-17 Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S
PRO354817 2020-NEW AP3548-17 Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S
PRO354817 2020-NEW AP3548-17 Pre-Cut Brute Clear Body for ARRMA® Kraton™ 8S

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