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J-0437 미도색 JConcepts 2021 Ford Bronco 4-door Body

J-0437 미도색 JConcepts 2021 Ford Bronco 4-door Body

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    [ J-CONCEPTS ]
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    할인 :

  • 판매가
  • 수량
  • 판매금액 59,800원



악세사리 차콜 색상 이미지-S1L2
악세사리 차콜 색상 이미지-S1L3
악세사리 차콜 색상 이미지-S1L4
악세사리 차콜 색상 이미지-S1L5

It was bound to happen, one of the most iconic vehicles made a return in 2021, the Ford Bronco. It seems that everyone has a Bronco story or personal experience with the legendary vehicle, but now, there will be more. The 6th generation vehicle underwent a tremendous re-design to accommodate modern customers who want to dip into the off-road scene in style and comfort. The design team used a digital scan of the 1976 version to be sure the final product lived up to heritage designs.

The JConcepts team started in 2020 with Ford licensing to build and model an official RC version which would certainly be a highly sought-after vehicle in the market. In the case of the Ford Bronco by JConcepts, the hands of time moved very slowly to form a product worthy of such a nameplate. The multi-piece mold delivers increased detail to the front and rear-end of the Bronco to give increased street and off-road appeal. The chiseled look of the body style in the 4 door variant sizes up well to the popular 12.3” wheelbase vehicles on the market.

The crew from the JConcepts Speed and Adventure Shop worked to finely detail the window treatments, hard top look, and hardened structure of the Bronco. The unique figure of the base structure is kindly shaped front to rear, the upper and lower sections tuck in slightly and with included body lines for doors and recessed windows has the item looking on-point. The rear “hatch” door is detailed with body lines, high visibility rear window and the taillights protrude to give additional definition.

The front-end makes the Bronco, and together with an advanced molding technique and pre-cut decal sheet, laying on the Bronco detail is as easy as peel and stick. The front bumper has a series of raised and lowered sections to give even more sculpture to the front-end. One of the largest traits to the design are the large fender flares which are set to accommodate large 1.9” competition style tires from JConcepts. The roof has extruded paneled sections to provide some structure to the roof while still allowing a multitude of available positions for body mounting.

The clear pre-trimmed body is completely factory cut with an incredible edge finish around the wheel wells, along with front and rear bumper areas. The item has overspray film already applied to the surface and will peel easily after the finalized paint and body mounting details are performed by the user. The included JConcepts decal sheet is extremely accurate, sporting the massive grille, lower vent and lights, rear taillights, door handles, along with Ford, Bronco, bucking horse, and multiple JConcepts logos. The pre-trimmed decals apply easily and quickly, and the included window mask has already been tailored to the exact shapes of the windows for an easy-to-use concept.

The JConcepts team builds, tests, and travels the world to support the brand and gather valuable driver feedback in search of the best appearing and performance items on the market. The product is designed in the U.S.A. and always backed by JConcepts customer service, supported, and developed by professionals with style, licensing, and authenticity. Look for reputable dealers and distributors and demand authentic and licensed products – choose JConcepts.


  • Officially licensed by Ford to JConcepts
  • Clear, pre-trimmed body with protective film
  • Body measures 9” in width (fender to fender) 8.25” center section width, 12.3” wheelbase
  • Fits a variety of crawler truck platforms
  • Scale inspired body, cab, and window design
  • 1:1 headlight and grille treatment
  • Clear heavy-duty polycarbonate with protective film
  • Window masks and detailed pre-trimmed 2021 Ford Bronco decal sheet

*Some vehicle brands and models will require user generated modifications to fit certain body shells such as the 2021 Ford Bronco by JConcepts. Vehicles that have inner fenders, extremely wide side-guards might require removal or modification to fit certain body shells.

Ford Oval and nameplates are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Ford Motor Company. Manufactured by JConcepts, Inc


- 배송비 : 기본배송료는 3,000원 입니다. (도서,산간,오지 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다)  70,000원 이상 구매시 무료배송입니다.

- 본 상품의 평균 배송일은 1~3일입니다.(결제 확인 후) [배송예정일은 주문시점(주문순서)에 따른 유동성이 발생하므로 평균 배송일과는 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다.]

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 (상품의 하자 및 주문내역과 다른상품이 배송된경우 교환 및 반품 배송요금은 판매자가 부담합니다)

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- 상품 청약철회 가능기간은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내 입니다.


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- A/S는 판매자에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.

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J-0437 미도색 JConcepts 2021 Ford Bronco 4-door Body

J-0437 미도색 JConcepts 2021 Ford Bronco 4-door Body
J-0437 미도색 JConcepts 2021 Ford Bronco 4-door Body

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