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J-0439 미도색 JConcepts Tucked 1989 Ford F-250 Scale Rock Crawler Body (Clear)

J-0439 미도색 JConcepts Tucked 1989 Ford F-250 Scale Rock Crawler Body (Clear)

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  • 판매금액 49,800원



One of the best vehicles from the late 1980’s and early 1990’s remains the Ford F-250 pick-up truck. The brick nose, popular to current day, served as a cross-over from complete square body designs into a new era of truck looks and detail. The single cab truck shell is “Built Ford Tough” and aims at a market that garners a look, fit, and finish to tackle rough terrain.

The passion at the JConcepts factory for early model trucks runs very deep. When called upon, the design team steps up to the plate with licensed designs, clever takes, and innovative approaches to the Golden era of pick-up trucks. The 1989 Ford F-150 for scale RC trucks is a bit new but carries a tradition of classic looks while maintaining performance. The 12.3” wheelbase body shell fits a large assortment of vehicles on the market to satisfy a genre.

After trial and testing, the design team presents a “tucked” 1989 Ford for maximum front and rear tire clearance and articulation. Performance does not stop there as a slim front and rear section slides or “tucks” through tight quarters making it possible to conquer tough or enclosed trailing course sections. With plenty of mounting space on the hood and bed, along with large wheel well openings, the body is perfect for class 2 competitions or general low-stance crawling.

The combined design with brick-nose front-end, chisel-side panels and single cab construction has all the foundation of a hardworking pick-up truck. Recessed front windshield and side-windows create a solid upper section to withstand roll-overs and descending incidents found on the trail. The long-bed area has a strong ledge all the way around to mount an assortment of accessories (not included).

Finish off the 1989 body shell with included decals for grille, headlights, and rear tailgate panel. Also included with the clear body is window mask and instruction sheet and as always, everything is backed with JConcepts customer support and racing heritage.


Notes from the team –
JConcepts offers a rollbar and roof rack which fits this body which is available on Shapeways. A retro styled bar with vertical double tube and horizontal flat and angle tube takes the look to another level. In addition, a rack can be added for more trail looks with mock rectangle lights that can mount to the bar or rack enabling several different looks for the scale truck enthusiast.



Direct links to Shapeways for 3D printed items:



• Officially licensed by Ford to JConcepts
• Body measures a 7.25”center width and 12.3” wheelbase
• Scale inspired body, cab, and window design
• “Tucked” front and rear sections for clearance
• 1:1 headlight and grille treatment
• Clear heavy-duty polycarbonate with protective film
• Window masks and detailed Ford sheet included


Ford Oval and nameplates are registered trademarks owned and licensed by Ford Motor Company. Manufactured by JConcepts, Inc. www.ford.com


- 배송비 : 기본배송료는 3,000원 입니다. (도서,산간,오지 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다)  70,000원 이상 구매시 무료배송입니다.

- 본 상품의 평균 배송일은 1~3일입니다.(결제 확인 후) [배송예정일은 주문시점(주문순서)에 따른 유동성이 발생하므로 평균 배송일과는 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다.]

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J-0439 미도색 JConcepts Tucked 1989 Ford F-250 Scale Rock Crawler Body (Clear)

J-0439 미도색 JConcepts Tucked 1989 Ford F-250 Scale Rock Crawler Body (Clear)
J-0439 미도색 JConcepts Tucked 1989 Ford F-250 Scale Rock Crawler Body (Clear)

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