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137840 HUDY ALLEN WRENCH + BALL REPL.TIP # .078 x 120 MM - V2

137840 HUDY ALLEN WRENCH + BALL REPL.TIP # .078 x 120 MM - V2

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    [ HUDY ]
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  • 수량
  • 판매금액 36,000원




Type: Ball Allen Wrench - Inch
Series: Ultimate Professional R/C Tools

Tip size: .078" (5/64")
Tip length: 120mm


� the world뭩 largest line of professional RC tools
� first and best RC tools, imitated by others, but never duplicated!
� used by all RC factory teams and champions
� totally unique lightweight tools with very light non-slip hollow duraluminum handles and a new unique everlasting diamond pattern grip that cannot be copied
� CAD-designed tips designed to precisely fit the fastener to prevent stripping
� tips are hand made from special world-renowned, top-secret, self-developed HUDY Spring Steel� to provide long life, excellent torsion
� optional color-coded plastic caps for easy identification

밯ithout question, HUDY뭩 Pro Wrenches are among the best R/C tools we have ever used.�

밡ew line of HUDY tools are the best I뭭e seen.�
(Steve Pond, RC CAR ACTION)

HUDY proudly presents its line of Professional Tools. Our engineers have designed a perfect-fit, ultra-lightweight tool that offers exceptional torque, comfortable use, and long life. All HUDY products are solely developed and designed by HUDY, the leader in innovation and design. All tools are manufactured from highest-quality materials for unmatched strength and durability. Special care is taken through production to ensure that each product is 100% perfect, and ready to use right out of the box. Total quality management is of prime importance through design to final production, and the result is superior, professional quality tools that are second to none.

The hollowed, lightweight duraluminum handles feature a specially coated anti-slip grip. These handles also are marked with grooves according to the size of the tip, so you can easily identify the size of the tool at a glance.

The tip of each tool is CAD-designed to very precisely fit the corresponding fastener. The tip is made of from special world-renowned, top-secret, self-developed HUDY Spring Steel�, designed to keep its shape for a long time and to allow exceptional torsion.

Hudy tools are available in all sizes and various lengths, types, and measurements:
� inch and metric hex and ball-hex drivers
� inch and metric socket drivers
� slotted and Phillips screwdrivers

Hudy is confident that these professional tools will make your RC life much easier, and quickly become your favourite tools because of their perfect quality and fit.

Optional color-coded plastic caps are available for easy identification (new V2 tools have smaller inside diameter of the handle and as such the standard plastic caps do not fit. The new plastic caps are available with part number #195058).



- 배송비 : 기본배송료는 3,000원 입니다. (도서,산간,오지 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다)  70,000원 이상 구매시 무료배송입니다.

- 본 상품의 평균 배송일은 1~3일입니다.(결제 확인 후) [배송예정일은 주문시점(주문순서)에 따른 유동성이 발생하므로 평균 배송일과는 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다.]

 (단, 연휴 및 공휴일 제외 기준이며 택배사 사정에 따라 지연될 수 있는점 양해부탁드립니다.)

교환 및 반품안내

- 상품수령 후 7일 이내에 반품 및 A/S가 가능하며 상품 택(tag)제거 또는 개봉으로 상품 가치 훼손 시에는 상품수령 후 7일 이내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.

 (상품의 하자 및 주문내역과 다른상품이 배송된경우 교환 및 반품 배송요금은 판매자가 부담합니다)

- 고객의 단순 변심으로 인한 반품 및 교환시에는 구매자에게 배송료가 청구됩니다.

 (구매시 무료배송이었던 경우는 왕복 택배비가 부과됩니다)

- 일부 상품은 신모델 출시, 부품가격 변동 등 제조사 사정으로 가격이 변동될 수 있습니다.





- 상품 청약철회 가능기간은 상품 수령일로 부터 7일 이내 입니다.


- 소비자분쟁해결 기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 피해를 보상받을 수 있습니다.

- A/S는 판매자에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.

이미지 확대보기

137840 HUDY ALLEN WRENCH + BALL REPL.TIP # .078 x 120 MM - V2

137840 HUDY ALLEN WRENCH + BALL REPL.TIP # .078 x 120 MM - V2
137840 HUDY ALLEN WRENCH + BALL REPL.TIP # .078 x 120 MM - V2

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